Monday, August 19, 2019

Ordering Reminders

Curriculum and Supply Orders
You can find ordering resources, ordering reminders and ordering reference videos on your ordering screen on Launchpad.

Here are a few often used links:
Purchasing Matrix
Religious Content Review and Ordering Guidelines
Supported Curriculum Lists
Common Home School Curriculum Folder
Home School Instructional Materials and Services Purchasing

  • Vouchers are officially non-refundable, so try to order only what you know you will use.
  • Vouchers can only be ordered once curriculum has been obtained. 
  • You may only use 1/2 of the remaining funds once curriculum is ordered for vouchers for the Fall semester. The remaining funds must be saved for the Spring semester.
  • Be specific about dates and fees. More info is better than less. Dates, fees, quantity, description and fee type must match. 
  • Visions will not approve any backdated orders. All vouchers must be dated from the date you order forward.
For those who are using Acellus this year, you will order through Launchpad. 
Go to New Order >More Ordering Options > Curriculum >  Choose International Academy of Science in the drop down menu > No ISBN, Quantity 1, price $100, Description Acellus Academy 1year subscription.

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