Monday, February 25, 2019

Ordering Deadline

The deadline for ordering vouchers, computers, books and materials for the 2018-19 school year is coming up. This is a good time to check your account and plan for the rest of the year.

Ordering deadline for vouchers, computers, books and materials for the 2018-19 school year is Friday, April 5.

Remember that you are now allowed to order vouchers for services through June 30th with this year's funding.

Early ordering for next year begins on April 22 and continues through June 28.

If you don't end up using all of your student funds for the year, the remaining money is transferred to the Visions General Fund account. This money is used for things like enrichment classes, tutoring, extra benefits for students in need etc. It is not wasted :) However, there is no rollover to the next school year.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

Monday 1/28
Office Day

Billy - 11:00
Lucas - 12:05
Hunter - 1:10
McKenna - 2:30

Jaxon & Sarah - 11:00
Skyler & Piper - 12:30

Elijah  - 11:00
Akira & Aria - 1:30

Office Day - CT Meetings