Monday, May 17, 2021

Getting Ready for LP10

13 Days left of school!
Can you believe it? We only have one meeting left for this school year. I don't know how this year went so fast, but summer is almost here and we have a lot to do at our LP10 meeting to wrap up the school year.

During our LP10 meeting we will be:

  • Sharing student work and progress
  • Solidifying/checking/editing your semester plans so they are ready to upload to Visions
  • Doing report cards together (entering grades and comments)
  • Updating PLP goals on the semester plan
  • Checking that Spring PE logs are complete
  • Checking that LP10 attendance is logged
  • Touching on curriculum orders and plans for next school year

Here is what to do to be ready:

  • Have your student(s) work ready to share (consider setting a timer for sharing work so we have plenty of time to go over the business stuff)
  • Check over your semester plans to make sure they are complete and accurate
  • Update the PLP tab in the semester plan
  • Complete the PE log through LP10
  • Have grades/progress ready    
  • Have report card comments ready (If you can email them to me, all the better. Then I can copy and paste rather than typing them in during our meeting.)
  • Log your LP10 attendance
  • Gather any questions you may have

That's it! Whew!

Here is a refresher on report card information...

Grades K-5:
Remember, there are no real "grades" for K-5. Report cards just track progress through the grade level standards - based on curriculum and standard completion.

3 = Proficient/At Grade Level Standard (Typical at the end of the year)
4 = Advanced/Exceeds Grade Level (For students who are working at least one grade level above)
2 = Approaching Grade Level Standard (Typical for end of 1st semester)
1 = Beginning/Not Yet Covered (For topics that are not being covered until 2nd semester) 

Plusses and minuses can be used when the numbers don't quite match progress. 
Most students will get 3s in most categories if they have completed their curriculum and mastered grade level standards.
  • Download (or just view) sample report cards below. Look over the categories and see if you have any questions. 
  • Decide if you would like to add optional effort grades and if so, have them ready.
  • Write up your overall comments and either email them to me or read them to me at our meeting/check out.
  • Have your progress grades ready. (If it is easier, just let me know which ones, if any, are NOT 3s.)
  • You don't need to fill out the LP10 progress tab on the semester plan. The report card will count for that.
Grades 6-12:
  • Check in on your student's grades and progress, keep close track between now and our LP10 meeting.
  • Write up your overall comments and optional effort grades to give to me at our LP10 meeting. 
  • Have your final grades updated in your Semester Plan for our LP10 meeting.
  • If your student needs more time to finish assignments or improve their grades, they have until Thursday, June 3rd to do so. We just need to keep in close contact so I don't miss anything when submitting report cards.
You can download/view samples here (they do say Fall, but the categories don't change so all relevant info is the same):
Sample Report Card Google Folder

If you have any questions, or need any help, please contact me.

LP10 Meeting Schedule

LP10 Agenda - Report Cards and Finalizing Semester Plans

Monday 5/17
Teacher Meetings

11:00 - Willow H.
1:00 - Jacob
2:00 - Wyatt

11:00 - Lucas & Elias
2:00 - Camryn

11:00 - Skyler
1:00 - Baruch & Ana

Office Day


Monday 5/24
Office Day

11:30 - Tiffany, Madison & Logan
2:00 - Jasmine, Roxie & Fiona

11:00 - Charlotte
1:30 - Savannah*
3:00 - Ella

11:00 - Jaxon, Sarah & Paul
2:00 - Savannah
3:30 - Jezreel

Office Day


Monday 5/31
Memorial Day - No school

12:00 - Uriah
3:00 - Billy & Ary

1:00 - Hunter
2:00 - McKenna

11:00 - Elijah & Hazel
1:00 - Akira
2:00 - Jonah
4:00 - Jette

Teacher Work Day