Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Final Push

I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend and are ready for the final push.  We have 13 school days left of the 2011 school year. Let's make them count!

Parents, do you know how to check your students current grades and assignment status? You can do so anytime on Engrade. If you don't know how, drop me an email and I will send you instructions. I am doing my best to grade work daily so all grades are pretty accurate.

LP 9 Progress Grades Posted

LP 9 progress grades have been posted.
To see your LP9 Progress grade:

  • Log in to Launchpad
  • Click on the My Info link
  • Click on My Progress Grades
  • Make sure to set the LP to LP9. You may have to change the number in the drop down box and click “Set LP”

Look in the progress grade column of your assignment summary
Don't worry about the assignments average and assignments complete columns. They only refer to work done and graded in launchpad. The progress grade column is accurate. 

Your Engrade grade may be different from your LP9 Progress grade as it may include work that has been done in LP10.

Let me know if you have any questions!

This Week's Meetings - B Group

Tuesday – Antioch Public Library
Anthony - 12:15
Jorge – 1:30
Tyler – 2:30
Cynthia – 3:30

Wednesday – Benicia Public Library
Anastassia – 11:30
Audrey – 12:30
Sara – 1:00
Jalila – 2:00

Thursday – Martinez/Concord
Alex – 11:00  home
Alissia – 1:00 – Starbucks 
Margaret– 2:30 Starbucks

English 1 and 2 students will be taking their 4th benchmark tests this week.

Pausing Assignments

Pausing assignments can be a convenient way to save your work if you are interrupted. But please, please, try to clear any paused assignments within a week of starting them, and preferably within a day or two.

Launchpad lets me know you have work to be graded by putting a little star next to your information, like this. When you pause an assignment it does the same thing. I can't tell from my student page if your assignment is finished and ready for grading or paused. The problem is that I spend way too much time checking and rechecking to see if paused work has been finished. There are even a few students who have paused work from LP 9 still.

I don't want you to stop using the pause function; I think it is a great tool. I would just like you to think of it as a temporary solution and try to clear all paused assignments within a week of starting them.

Thank you!!