Monday, October 29, 2012

November CAHSEE

11th and 12th grade only

Northgate Christian Fellowship, 2201 Lake Herman Rd., Benicia

English Portion - Tuesday, November 6
Math Portion - Wednesday, November 7
Plan to arrive at 9:45

Do you want some help?
Go to the tutoring center in Concord tomorrow with your practice tests or come to the online Math review through Elluminate tomorrow or next Monday. See the Visions CAHSEE site for more info.

Deficiency Notices

A deficiency notice is a notice sent out by Visions when a student has at least one grade that is a D or an F. All students with a D or F in the LP2 progress grades will be receiving one in the mail.

Since we discuss your progress at every meeting, and your LP2 grades have been posted, those of you getting a deficiency notice in the mail will not be surprised.

If you have ANY questions about grades or progress, of if there is something I can do to help, please don't hesitate to contact me.

And remember...
You can get homework help by phone through launchpad, and there is a tutor available to you on Tuesdays from 9 to 3 in Concord. (See the Homework Help Flyer and Tutoring Flyer links on the right)