Monday, January 30, 2017

Testing Info

SBAC Information

California Science Pilot Test CAST - (Replaces the CST)
  • Grades 5, 8, and 12 (might be different high school grade next year) will test this year
  • The test is computer-based (no longer paper-pencil like the CST was)
  • Because this year, and more than likely next year, is a test of the test, no scores will be reported
  • Scores are not reported, but the CAST will be counted in our participation reports
  • At our testing sites grades 5 and 8 will take the CAST on Day 1 of testing and then proceed onto the SBAC. Grade 12 will take the CAST on the final day of testing at each site to ensure we have enough chromebooks and space available. 

Physical Fitness Testing (PFT)
  • Grades 5, 7 and 9Regional PFT Testing available this year.
  • PE Testing will be offered on 2/22 at Grace Church in Jackson. The tests will run on the hour from 9 to 12. I will be emailing all 5th, 7th, and 9th graders this week about it.
  • More info about the PFT.

School Work Samples Reminder

I'll be gathering official school work samples for semester 2 during our LP6 meeting.

Here is a little checklist to help you prepare.

You will need one sample per subject that:

matches the assignments and/or learning units on the semester plan

is on 8.5 x 11 paper

is an example of student work (not multiple choice tests or quizzes)

includes a summary if it is an image of a PE, art, music, or directed project sample.
shows evidence of parent/guardian comments and/or grading.

Remember that I will be placing a sticker on the upper right hand corner of the paper, so please don't put your grades or comments there. Thanks!

This Week's Meeting Schedule

Monday 1/30
Office Day

Austin & Dylan - 10:00
Joseph - 12:05
Tiffany & Madison - 1:10

Grace - 11:00
Bonnie - 12:10
Charlotte - 1:30
Khloe & Sadie - 2:35

Ione - Clark's
Leila - 11:00
Lucas - 12:05
Jasmine & Roxie - 1:30

Office Day