Monday, October 30, 2017

Testing Info

Many families have been asking me for information about testing so that they can plan and practice.

Here is what I have. Please keep in mind that things might change:

*CAASPP - California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (Language Arts and Math)
*CAST - California Science Test
*PFT - Physical Fitness Test

Which Grades Take Which Tests?
PFT - Grades 5, 7 and 9
CAASPP - Grades 3 - 8 and 11
CAST (field test) - Grades 5, 8, 11 and 12

CAASPP Interim Test Prep - NEW THIS YEAR!
Jackson - Grace Church - March 14
Rescue - Foothills Methodist Church - March 7

Jackson - Grace Church - April 10 - 13
Rescue - Foothills Methodist Church - April 17 - 20
Make-ups (Carmichael, Concord, Fair Oaks, Lodi, Rescue) - May 8 - 10

Tentative Dates and Times
El Dorado Hills - Promontory Comm Park - 3/13 @ 9:00 am
Lodi - Katzakian Park - 3/22 @ 9:00 am
Elk Grove - Derr-Okamoto - 3/22 @ 1:00 pm
Sacramento - Howe Park - 3/21 @ 9:00 am
Fair Oaks - Fair Oaks Park - 3/7 @ 1:00 pm

CAASPP Practice and Training Tests
PFT Info

Virtual Meetings - Repost

Using Zoom has worked pretty well so far! I really enjoyed last week's virtual meetings. I'm just reposting this info for those who have meetings this week.

Zoom has some resources on it's website. One of the best is 53 second video on Joining a Meeting. I highly suggest that you watch this one as it walks you through what will happen when you click on the invitation I'll be sending via email. There are also videos on how to configure your audio, use the meeting controls, and share your screen.

How to prepare for our virtual meetings for parents/guardians:
  • Expect some difficulties. The first meeting (or two) may need some trouble shooting. The more we expect this possibility, the less frustrating it will be.
  • Gather questions and concerns you might have.
  • If possible, fill out your PE log and Progress/Grade tab and log attendance before the meeting. If that is not possible, please have your activities and grades ready so we can input them together. Also, have your Launchpad parent account sign in info on hand so I can walk you though logging attendance if you don't get the chance to do it prior to the meeting.
  • Have your phone on hand. The worst that could happen is that we have a phone meeting and I help you log onto Zoom at our next face to face.
How to prepare for our virtual meetings for students:

Have your work ready to share. You can do this a number of ways:
  • You can hold work, projects or pictures up to the computer to show me
  • You can share your screen if you have work or pictures on your computer
  • You can play and instrument, sing a song, or show me a dance or PE move
  • You can read a book
  • You can demonstrate your math skills (Zoom has a whiteboard that you can write on!)
  • You can take over the controls and show me a website that you have been using
  • You can even ask for help with any of your school work!

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. I'm here to help.

Reminder: Household Data Survey Due Today

Here is a copy of the email Visions sent out:

Hello Visions Family -

We need your help. The State of California requires all schools to collect Household Income Data from families each year. In previous years, Visions collected this data via a Supplemental Student Home Survey Form. This form was a manual process and was always a difficult task to complete. This process has now been greatly improved.

Visions uses this information to qualify for funding that is used for tutoring, field trips, and more. This funding is very significant to our school. By submitting the electronic form, you ensure that Visions continues to provide the following resources and benefits:

  • Student budgets
  • Tutoring
  • Curriculum
  • Technology/computers
  • Teacher support
  • Field trips, field days, and other academic enrichments activities
  • College course reimbursement
To qualify for this funding, Visions needs to receive a completed electronic form by a parent/guardian for each student. Please know that this data is kept confidential and is only used to report data to the State for school funding purposes.

We know that you want every resource possible available for your child’s education.  Please review the following instructions and complete the following steps explained below prior to October 24th, so that we can meet the State's deadline of October 31st.


First, you will need to login to your parent account via Launchpad and then click on the School Pathways icon (as shown below) to take you into the parent portal. Please note that this will only work via the parent portal. It will not work via the student portal.

If you need your Launchpad login information, please contact your CT for username information.
​ If you have forgotten your password, you can use the "Forgot Password" link on the Launchpad login screen.

After logging in, this is a FOUR step process.  It should only take a few minutes of your time.  

Household Income Collection Process​:​ Click this VIDEO LINK​ for a video tutorial.
    ​1.  If you haven't already logged into your parent portal as explained in the steps above, here is a link that takes you directly into the School Pathways Parent Portal. 
    However, for the link to work you already need to be logged into Launchpad as mentioned above.  
    2.  Click on the Household Data Collection Link in the parent portal. Please note that students will not have access to this via the student portal.
    3. If the Sign Status shows ​"​Yes"​- no further action is needed. If the Sign Status shows "No", then please click on the "Sign Document" lin​e​. IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE STUDENTS, YOU WILL NEED TO FILL OUT, SIGN AND SUBMIT FOR EACH STUDENT.  
    4.  The parent then indicates the number of household members(1) and the income level on the form(2)and then signs the form and types their name in the box(3), and clicks SUBMIT AGREEMENT(4).  

    Then you are finished.  Remember - if you have multiple students at Visions In Education, a form needs to be filled out for each student.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please talk with your CT.  Thank you so much for your time and participation.

    This Week's Meeting Schedule

    Monday 10/30
    Office Day

    Virtual Meetings
    Billy - 11:00
    Austin - 12:15
    David - 3:30

    Virtual Meetings
    Isabeau & McKenna - 12:05
    Virtual Meetings
    Lucas - 12:05
    Charles & Ella - 1:30
