Monday, November 16, 2015

First Day of LP4

Today is the first day of LP4.

Please check that your semester plans are up to date through the end of the semester (through LP5). Thank you! Let me know if you have questions or need any help.

Spring semester plans will be due for our LP5 meeting. (At the very least, I'll need your LP6 plans that will correspond with the official 2nd semester work samples.)

I will be collecting second semester "official" work samples during our LP6 meeting (or LP7 meeting if we meet the first week of the LP).

Any questions?  :)

Thanksgiving Break

Next week is Thanksgiving Week.

I will be working on Monday and Tuesday so feel free to contact me if you need anything. I will be unavailable Wednesday - Sunday. School resumes Monday, 11/30.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

Monday 11/16
Office Day

David - 8:30
Jezreel - 10:00
David - 3:30

Grace - 11:00
Jasmine & Roxy - 12:30

Alex M. - 11:00
Placerville Library
Yarrow - 2:10
Teran - 3:20

CT - Small Group Meeting