Monday, October 23, 2017

LP2 Attendance

Please take a minute to verify your LP2 attendance. All you have to do is check that you logged attendance for LP2 and that it is accurate.

Thank you!

Zoom Room Meetings

After some challenges with Google Hangouts during our initial virtual meetings last week, I've decided to try something new. It's called Zoom. It has some benefits over Google Hangouts, so we're going to give it a try.

Zoom has some resources on it's website. One of the best is 53 second video on Joining a Meeting. I highly suggest that you watch this one as it walks you through what will happen when you click on the invitation I'll be sending via email. There are also videos on how to configure your audio, use the meeting controls, and share your screen.

How to prepare for our virtual meetings for parents/guardians:

  • Expect some difficulties. The first meeting (or two) may need some trouble shooting. The more we expect this possibility, the less frustrating it will be.
  • Gather questions and concerns you might have.
  • If possible, fill out your PE log and Progress/Grade tab and log attendance before the meeting. If that is not possible, please have your activities and grades ready so we can input them together. Also, have your Launchpad parent account sign in info on hand so I can walk you though logging attendance if you don't get the chance to do it prior to the meeting.
  • Have your phone on hand. The worst that could happen is that we have a phone meeting and I help you log onto Zoom at our next face to face.
How to prepare for our virtual meetings for students:

Have your work ready to share. You can do this a number of ways:
  • You can hold work, projects or pictures up to the computer to show me
  • You can share your screen if you have work or pictures on your computer
  • You can play and instrument, sing a song, or show me a dance or PE move
  • You can read a book
  • You can demonstrate your math skills (Zoom has a whiteboard that you can write on!)
  • You can take over the controls and show me a website that you have been using
  • You can even ask for help with any of your school work!

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. I'm here to help.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

Monday 10/23
Pine Grove
Billy - 10:30
Office Day

Zoom Room
Joseph & Alex - 11:00
Tiffany, Madison & Logan - 1:00

Zoom Room
Jaxon - 12
Charlotte - 1:15
Khloe & Sadie - 2:35

Zoom Room
Jasmine & Roxy - 2:00

Office Day