Monday, September 13, 2021

iReady Update

Updates regarding the iReady assessments for grades TK-8.

  1. You should now be able to log in with either your student Launchpad account OR your parent Launchpad account. Wire page linked here.
  2. Assessments should be available now, and need to be completed by the end of LP2 - Friday, October 22nd. I highly recommend doing them at your earliest opportunity.
If you do not see the iReady icon on your Launchpad page, please contact me. Thank you!

Synchronous Instruction Update


Synchronous Instruction Update (See previous post for basic info)

I have been surveying my families to get an idea of which students in which grade levels might be interested in attending Synchronous Instruction so I can plan accordingly. Since the interest is so low, and the ideas for curriculum are so broad, I will be using the lesson plans provided by Visions during my Synchronous Instruction time. If you are interested in what will be offered, here are the lesson plans for LP1.

Classes are held via Zoom and students will be required to log into the class using their Visions email account. For directions on how to do that, click here

Please let me know if you have questions regarding synchronous instruction. Thank you!

Daily Live Interaction

This is being provided for grades 4th-8th by Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs). Click here for more information.

Fall Semester Work Samples - Repost

What and Why...
Twice per school year, (once each semester) Visions collects official work samples from students. These samples are intended to show our auditors that our enrolled students are actually enrolled, and that they are engaging in the academic activities on their master agreement and semester plan. They are also used to demonstrate that there is a responsible adult who is reviewing and/or grading their work.

Due on or before your LP2 meeting. 

Samples must be work completed in LP1. You may submit samples from your own curriculum, use the provided samples (grades K-8), or any combination of the two. (9th - 12th grade courses are so variable that it is impossible to create packets.)

Please provide one written sample from each subject.

Instructions for using provided samples (K-8th grades): 

  • Download and print the work sample packet or individual pages you intend to use.
  • Have your student complete the worksheet(s).
  • Grade and or comment on each sample in a different color than the student worked.
  • Please do not put dates or LP#s on worksheets.
  • Please leave upper right corner blank for the school's generated label.
  • Match the standard code on your semester plan drop-downs for LP1 to the one on the sample. (Change the code if you need to, or we can do it together at the meeting.)
  • Either scan and email the samples to me or take a clear, square picture of the entire sample with your phone and text it to me. I will confirm that I received them and let you know if I need anything else. If you choose to do a work sample via Google Docs, just share the document with me allowing me to edit it.

If you would rather submit samples from your own curriculum (and all 9-12th graders):

  • Samples cannot be from a religious publisher (handouts, worksheets with publisher’s name on them). 
  • Match the standard drop-downs on your semester plan for LP1 to the samples. You can make your best guess here, and I will help you when I collect the samples.
  • Samples cannot be a test or multiple choice, they must show student work. (Samples where student just matches, underlines, or circles items are not sufficient, there must be some written work on the page
  • Grade and or comment on each sample in a different color than the student worked.
  • Please do not put dates or LP#s on worksheets.
  • When possible, please leave upper right corner blank for label.
  • Either scan and email the samples to me or take a clear, square picture of the entire sample with your phone and text it to me. I will confirm that I received them and let you know if I need anything else. If you choose to do a work sample via Google Docs, just share the document with me allowing me to edit it.

Please don't hesitate to call, text, or email with questions about work samples.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP1 Agenda - What's New & Semester Plans

Monday 9/13
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Elijah & Hazel

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
1:00 - Charlotte
2:00 - Jezzy
3:00 - Jette

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings