Wednesday, August 15, 2018

It's That Time!

Image result for welcome back 

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a relaxing summer and are ready to begin planning for the new school year. I know I'm getting excited!

While school doesn't begin for students until Tuesday, August 28, CTs and parent educators are already planning and preparing.

I am back to work and available for questions. Please feel free to call, text, or email me.

Just an FYI...Here is what my schedule looks like until the first day of school:

Create and share semester plans.
Call new families.
Available for questions and help.
Professional Development all day.Unavailable - going horse camping for the first time!

MonTue - Fri
2021 - 24
Professional Development all day.Finalize meeting schedule, prep for meetings, available to families for questions and order help, available to help set up semester plans.

Prep for meetings, available to families for questions and order help, available to help set up semester plans.First day of school. First meetings of LP1.

If you would like to schedule a face-to-face meeting before our LP1 meeting, the best time would be anytime between Tue 21 - Fri 24. Just let me know!

Beginning of Year Checklist

  • Choose and order curriculum (if you haven't done so already)

  • Review your curriculum and plan your academic year

  • Begin researching local vendors for extra curricular activities
  • Start filling out your semester plan

  • Review new ordering processes on the WIRE (including voucher orders and reimbursements)
  • Review Purchasing Matrix for changes
  • Notify me of any changes in contact information
  • Fill out form below with meeting time/date restrictions

Planning the Meeting Schedule

Image result for meeting calendar 

As you know, scheduling meetings for 36+ students is a big challenge, so I sincerely appreciate how flexible you are in this endeavor. I am sensitive to the fact that you have active lives, so I'd like to try to accommodate your restrictions as much as I can.

Please fill out this form asap to notify me of any times/days that you are unable to meet this year. Once I get responses, I'll begin to set up our meeting schedule.

Remember, I schedule meetings Tuesdays - Thursdays as Mondays and Fridays are reserved for other school related duties. Thanks!