Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pausing Assignments

Pausing assignments can be a convenient way to save your work if you are interrupted. But please, please, try to clear any paused assignments within a week of starting them, and preferably within a day or two.

Launchpad lets me know you have work to be graded by putting a little star next to your information, like this. When you pause an assignment it does the same thing. I can't tell from my student page if your assignment is finished and ready for grading or paused. The problem is that I spend way too much time checking and rechecking to see if paused work has been finished. There are even a few students who have paused work from LP 9 still.

I don't want you to stop using the pause function; I think it is a great tool. I would just like you to think of it as a temporary solution and try to clear all paused assignments within a week of starting them.

Thank you!!

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