Monday, November 15, 2021

Saying Goodbye...

Dear Families,

Friday, November 19th will be my last day with Visions in Education.

I realize that this is a big message that has a big impact. Please know that this was not an easy or casual decision - It took a lot of time and careful consideration. 

What does this mean for you?

There is nothing that you need to do. You are in great shape. You have your curriculum, semester plans are up to date, fall assessments are complete, grades and progress are on track, and you know what you are doing. Scheduled meetings for this week will go as planned.

You will be assigned a new Visions teacher beginning after Thanksgiving break - at the start of LP4. Your new teacher may even contact you this week. That teacher may do things a little differently, but not much. We all have the same requirements. However, your new teacher might structure meetings differently, they may be more stringent on seeing progress in every subject at every meeting, they may not quite understand everything you have been doing to work towards your educational goals. But that is to be expected. You will be able to work with him or her to figure out a process that works. Just like we did together. 

I will have access to my Visions email and phone until 4:30 pm on Friday. After that Visions will cut off access to those accounts. If you have questions after Friday, or would like to keep in touch, make sure to contact me using my personal phone number: (925) 337-1972. 

Thank you for allowing me to work with your family. It has been an honor and a privilege that I will be forever grateful for. I will miss you and wish you all the best.

Upcoming & Notable

Progress Reports: Grades will be entered by teachers on or before Friday, Nov 19
LP3 Ends: Friday, Nov 19
Ms. Bryon's Last Day: Friday, Nov 19
Thanksgiving Recess: Monday, Nov 22 - Friday, Nov 26
LP4 Begins: Monday, Nov 29 - You will be assigned a new teacher for LP4 onward

Virtual Scholastic Book Fair: Monday, Dec 6 - Friday, Dec 10
LP4 Ends: Friday, Dec 17
Winter Break: Monday, Dec 20 - Friday, Dec 31

LP5 Begins: Monday, Jan 3
MLK Jr. Day (No School): Monday, Jan 17
LP5 Ends: Wednesday, Jan 26
Teacher Work Days (No School): Thursday and Friday, Jan 27 & 28
LP6 (Spring Semester) Begins: Monday, Jan 31

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP3 Agenda - Standards Review and Progress Reports

Monday 11/15
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
1:00 - Uriah, Heileya, Micaiya, & Julianya

Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Uriah C.

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Last Day Wrap Up/Teacher Meetings

Monday, November 8, 2021

Virtual Scholastic Book Fair

Save the date for Visions Virtual Book Fair! 

  • Fair will be open online from December 6-10, 2021.
  • There is something for everyone with over 5,000 products including Book Fair exclusives, new releases, value packs and more! 
  • Take a moment to click here and browse a few featured items from the 2021-22 Online Book Fair Interactive Flyer.

Open to ALL Visions students from ALL academies

  • Purchases must be made with available Visions student funds up to the following amounts:
  • Homeschool Academy = $92.80 (pre-tax total for $100 maximum)
  • Independent Study & University Prep Academies = $46.40 (pre-tax total for $50 maximum)

Ordering process

  • On Monday, December 6, click on the Online Fair link to access the Visions Scholastic Book Fair page to browse items.
  • For detailed ordering instructions per Academy, please visit the Scholastic Book Fair Event Wire Page.
  • Place orders from December 6-10, 2021.
  • All orders will be shipped to the student’s home.

For questions on placing Scholastic Order, please use the Parent/Guardian Help Form.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP3 Agenda - Standards Review and Progress Reports

Monday 11/8
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction (Substitute Teachers)
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Elijah & Hazel
1:00 - Uriah
3:00 - Billy & Ary

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Charlotte
12:00 - Uriah, Heileya, Micaiya, & Julianya

Thursday - Veteran's Day (No School)

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
2:00 - Jezreel
3:00 - Willow L.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Grade Books (6-12th Grade)

I am getting quite a few questions about how to grade 6th - 12th work. I know it can be a little confusing. 

Here is what I'd like you to keep in mind:

  • If you attended public school, you will remember that all teachers graded differently. Some were "easy" graders, some were "hard" graders. They all have some leeway in how they grade -- as do you as a parent educator. 
  • The goal is to assess your students as to their progress towards reaching the standards. Those assessments (in grades 6-12) should include daily work, graded assignments, tests, quizzes, written assignments, projects, and labs where appropriate. Generally NO more than one graded assignment daily, and AT LEAST one or more weekly graded assignments. Which assignments you grade, which ones you allow students to redo, which ones have more weight, is up to you - but they must follow your semester plan.
  • Think of it this way, all public school teachers are required to keep a lesson plan (akin to our semester plan) and a grade book. If your students were attending public school and they received a grade that you disagreed with, you might ask the teacher to show you how they came up with that grade. That teacher would need to provide reasonable evidence. That is what you as the parent educator need to do. If we were ever audited, you would need evidence of how your student earned the grade that you provide. How you do that is really variable, as long as you can justify it.
  • In online curriculum, most things are graded for you and you just add the provided grades to the grade book. When you are using a supported curriculum, it is generally pretty simple to grade assignments. If you are using all project based work, it gets a little trickier. You just need to document evidence of how you come up with your grades.

I have made an example grade book that you can refer to if you are looking for ideas on how to grade. It has 2 examples for middle school and 2 examples for high school. It by no means encompasses all of the options, but it might give you some ideas.

Please let me know if you have questions or comments!

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP3 Agenda - Standards Review/Progress Reports

Monday 11/01
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Jonah & Joshua
2:00 - Rhys, Skyler, & Piper

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
12:00 - Hunter
1:00 - Annabella

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
12:00 - Jasmine, Roxie, Fiona, & Edith

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

Monday, October 25, 2021

Upcoming & Notable

How is it late October already?
LP3 Begins: Monday, Oct 25

Daylight Saving Time Ends: Sunday, Nov 7
Veteran's Day (No School): Thursday, Nov 11
Progress Reports: Grades will be entered by teachers on Friday, Nov 19
LP3 Ends: Friday, Nov 19
Thanksgiving Recess: Monday, Nov 22 - Friday, Nov 26
LP4 Begins: Monday, Nov 29

LP4 Ends: Friday, Dec 17
Winter Break: Monday, Dec 20 - Friday, Dec 31

Student ID Cards (Repost)

Get your student a Visions ID card. It is easy!

All you have to do is email or text me a picture that follows these guidelines. I will take care of the rest. IDs will come in the mail to the address you have on file.

Why get an ID card? Student ID cards are necessary for students who need photo identification for any of the following: jobs, testing, field trips, enrolling in community college and receiving student discounts. On top of that, they are just great to have.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP3 Agenda - Standards Review

Monday 10/25
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
All Day Teacher Professional Development

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
12:00 - Willow H. 
1:00 - Jacob
2:00 - McKenna

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Akira
1:00 - Tiffany, Madison, & Logan

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Wyatt
1:00 - Lucas & Elias
3:00 - Ella

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

Monday, October 18, 2021

Vaccination Update

Here is the Wire link on the subject.

But what you need to know is:

  • On October 1, 2021, Governor Newsom announced that all students at public and private K-12 schools in California will be required to be vaccinated for COVID-19
  • This mandate will be a condition of in-person attendance. A student who is not vaccinated may remain enrolled at Visions In Education.
  • As of now, the requirement still leaves open the possibility for families to opt out. Since the mandate comes from the governor, and not the Legislature, it allows exemptions for medical, religious or personal reasons
  • As of now, Visions will be waiting until we receive further direction from the State; therefore, "we do not anticipate taking any further action until that time". 

Assessments Reminder

All assessments are due by the end of LP2, that is this Friday, October 22. Please contact me if you are having any issues completing the assessments.


Thank you to all students who completed either the iReady or MAP assessments!


The results have been so fun to see. Overall, students are doing really well. And now we have some solid information about what to focus on this year for student growth and success. It has been a good thing.

If your student completed their assessment and you haven't gotten the assessment results, please email me and I will send them to you. 

At this time, I am not sure what Visions is planning for students that test below grade level. Last year we were told that all students that tested below grade level would need interventions (iReady curriculum or other). I will provide more information as to what this means after our next professional development on Monday the 25th.

New Phone Number (Repost)

Visions has provided all teachers with a new work phone that we are now required to use for ALL work related purposes. 

My work number is:


Please update the new number in your contacts and use it for calls and texts from now on. 

Thank you!

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP2 Agenda - Work Samples & Assessment Results

Monday 10/18
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Uriah, Heileya, Micaiya, & Julianya
3:00 - Billy & Ary

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Principal Meeting

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

Monday, October 11, 2021

ARC Automotive Program

Open to students from all academies who are 16 years or older with a 2.0 GPA or better.

See the Wire post here.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP2 Agenda - Work Samples & Assessment Results

Monday 10/11
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

9:00 - 9:30 - TK Synchronous Instruction (Substitute Teachers)
Student Meetings (Virtual)
12:00 - Wyatt
1:00 - Uriah

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
1:00 - Charlotte
2:00 - Jezzy
3:00 - Willow L.

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
3:00 - Rhys, Skyler, & Piper

Monday, October 4, 2021

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP2 Agenda - Work Samples & Assessment Results

Monday 10/4
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

9:00 - 9:30 - TK Synchronous Instruction (Substitute Teachers)

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
12:00 - Hunter
1:00 - Annabella


9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
12:00 - Jasmine, Roxie, Fiona, & Edith

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Group Meeting (Pioneer Park)
11:00 - Jonah, Joshua, Elijah, & Hazel

Monday, September 27, 2021

Assessment Updates

Thank you to all students who completed either the iReady or MAP assessments in LP1!


The results have been so fun to see. Overall, students are doing really well. And now we have some real information about what to focus on this year for student growth and success. It has been a good thing.

Don't forget to email me when your student completes the assessments, so I can email you the reports.

If you have NOT completed your assessments yet, please try to do them this week. They NEED to be done by the end of LP2, but the earlier, the better!

Fall Semester Work Samples Due Soon!


What and Why...
Twice per school year, (once each semester) Visions collects official work samples from students. These samples are intended to show our auditors that our enrolled students are actually enrolled, and that they are engaging in the academic activities on their master agreement and semester plan. They are also used to demonstrate that there is a responsible adult who is reviewing and/or grading their work.

Due on or before your LP2 meeting. 

Samples must be work completed in LP1. You may submit samples from your own curriculum, use the provided samples (grades K-8), or any combination of the two. (9th - 12th grade courses are so variable that it is impossible to create packets.)

Please provide one written sample from each subject.

Instructions for using provided samples (K-8th grades): 

  • Download and print the work sample packet or individual pages you intend to use.
  • Have your student complete the worksheet(s).
  • Grade and or comment on each sample in a different color than the student worked.
  • Please do not put dates or LP#s on worksheets.
  • Please leave upper right corner blank for the school's generated label.
  • Match the standard code on your semester plan drop-downs for LP1 to the one on the sample. (Change the code if you need to, or we can do it together at the meeting.)
  • Either scan and email the samples to me or take a clear, square picture of the entire sample with your phone and text it to me. I will confirm that I received them and let you know if I need anything else. If you choose to do a work sample via Google Docs, just share the document with me allowing me to edit it.

If you would rather submit samples from your own curriculum (and all 9-12th graders):

  • Samples cannot be from a religious publisher (handouts, worksheets with publisher’s name on them). 
  • Match the standard drop-downs on your semester plan for LP1 to the samples. You can make your best guess here, and I will help you when I collect the samples.
  • Samples cannot be a test or multiple choice, they must show student work. (Samples where student just matches, underlines, or circles items are not sufficient, there must be some written work on the page
  • Grade and or comment on each sample in a different color than the student worked.
  • Please do not put dates or LP#s on worksheets.
  • When possible, please leave upper right corner blank for label.
  • Either scan and email the samples to me or take a clear, square picture of the entire sample with your phone and text it to me. I will confirm that I received them and let you know if I need anything else. If you choose to do a work sample via Google Docs, just share the document with me allowing me to edit it.

Please don't hesitate to call, text, or email with questions about work samples.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP2 Agenda - Work Samples & Assessment Results

Monday 9/27
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Teacher Professional Development - All Day

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
12:00 - Willow H.
1:00 - Jacob
2:00 - McKenna
3:00 - Billy & Ary

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Akira
1:00 - Tiffany, Madison & Logan

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Wyatt
1:00 - Lucas & Elias
3:00 - Ella

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

Monday, September 20, 2021

iReady Updates (TK-8th Grades)

Monday, September 20:
Assessments are available now, and should be completed by the end of LP1 - Friday, September 24th

(There has been some confusion from Visions surrounding the due date. There was a Wire post saying we had until the end of LP2, but now they are asking us to complete them in LP1.)

After your student completes the iReady assessment, you will able to see a score, but not a complete report. If you let me know when your student finishes the assessment, I can download the report from my account and email it to you.

Congratulations to all of the students who completed the iReady assessments last week! WAY TO GO! You can now begin the curriculum if you would like to. The recommendation is 45 minutes per week or 15 minutes 3 days/wk. No more!

CAASPP/CAST Results Available

In case you missed the WIRE post last week about the state testing results from last year and how to access them...

State Assessment Results Now Available Electronically

If you have any trouble accessing your student reports, please let me know. 

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP1 Agenda - What's New & Semester Plans
This is the 4th week of a 4 week LP, so there are no regularly scheduled student meetings this week. I am available for help and tutoring by appointment.

Monday 9/20
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

Monday, September 13, 2021

iReady Update

Updates regarding the iReady assessments for grades TK-8.

  1. You should now be able to log in with either your student Launchpad account OR your parent Launchpad account. Wire page linked here.
  2. Assessments should be available now, and need to be completed by the end of LP2 - Friday, October 22nd. I highly recommend doing them at your earliest opportunity.
If you do not see the iReady icon on your Launchpad page, please contact me. Thank you!

Synchronous Instruction Update


Synchronous Instruction Update (See previous post for basic info)

I have been surveying my families to get an idea of which students in which grade levels might be interested in attending Synchronous Instruction so I can plan accordingly. Since the interest is so low, and the ideas for curriculum are so broad, I will be using the lesson plans provided by Visions during my Synchronous Instruction time. If you are interested in what will be offered, here are the lesson plans for LP1.

Classes are held via Zoom and students will be required to log into the class using their Visions email account. For directions on how to do that, click here

Please let me know if you have questions regarding synchronous instruction. Thank you!

Daily Live Interaction

This is being provided for grades 4th-8th by Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs). Click here for more information.

Fall Semester Work Samples - Repost

What and Why...
Twice per school year, (once each semester) Visions collects official work samples from students. These samples are intended to show our auditors that our enrolled students are actually enrolled, and that they are engaging in the academic activities on their master agreement and semester plan. They are also used to demonstrate that there is a responsible adult who is reviewing and/or grading their work.

Due on or before your LP2 meeting. 

Samples must be work completed in LP1. You may submit samples from your own curriculum, use the provided samples (grades K-8), or any combination of the two. (9th - 12th grade courses are so variable that it is impossible to create packets.)

Please provide one written sample from each subject.

Instructions for using provided samples (K-8th grades): 

  • Download and print the work sample packet or individual pages you intend to use.
  • Have your student complete the worksheet(s).
  • Grade and or comment on each sample in a different color than the student worked.
  • Please do not put dates or LP#s on worksheets.
  • Please leave upper right corner blank for the school's generated label.
  • Match the standard code on your semester plan drop-downs for LP1 to the one on the sample. (Change the code if you need to, or we can do it together at the meeting.)
  • Either scan and email the samples to me or take a clear, square picture of the entire sample with your phone and text it to me. I will confirm that I received them and let you know if I need anything else. If you choose to do a work sample via Google Docs, just share the document with me allowing me to edit it.

If you would rather submit samples from your own curriculum (and all 9-12th graders):

  • Samples cannot be from a religious publisher (handouts, worksheets with publisher’s name on them). 
  • Match the standard drop-downs on your semester plan for LP1 to the samples. You can make your best guess here, and I will help you when I collect the samples.
  • Samples cannot be a test or multiple choice, they must show student work. (Samples where student just matches, underlines, or circles items are not sufficient, there must be some written work on the page
  • Grade and or comment on each sample in a different color than the student worked.
  • Please do not put dates or LP#s on worksheets.
  • When possible, please leave upper right corner blank for label.
  • Either scan and email the samples to me or take a clear, square picture of the entire sample with your phone and text it to me. I will confirm that I received them and let you know if I need anything else. If you choose to do a work sample via Google Docs, just share the document with me allowing me to edit it.

Please don't hesitate to call, text, or email with questions about work samples.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP1 Agenda - What's New & Semester Plans

Monday 9/13
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Elijah & Hazel

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
1:00 - Charlotte
2:00 - Jezzy
3:00 - Jette

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

School Assessment Window Opens Today

All public charter schools are now required to assess students twice a year. Most schools are using the same assessments that Visions has adopted. 

The testing window opens Tuesday, September 7th and all beginning of year assessments need to be completed during LP1, which ends Friday, September 24.

TK-8th graders will be taking the iReady assessment. iReady assessments are proctored at home by parents. You can choose your time and day and even break up the assessment into time blocks. Once assessments are completed, you will have some wonderful iReady curriculum available to you to support any areas that show a need. The iReady curriculum is much more fun for students than the assessments are!

How do you access the iReady assessments? Here is the Wire announcement that came out today.

Log into Launchpad. At the top of the screen you will see the iReady icon. Click on that and log in with your student information.

  • Student username = Launchpad username 
  • Student password = student ID#
You can find these in your student information section on Launchpad. If you have any questions or have any trouble, please let me know.

9th - 11th graders will be taking the MAP assessments. MAP assessments are being proctored and scheduled by the testing department. All you need to do at this time is make an appointment. Once you have done that, the testing department will contact you with further details and instructions. Click here for more info on the MAP assessments and to schedule your appointment.

12th graders - NO TESTING THIS YEAR!

Synchronous Instruction and Live Interaction

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the Live Interaction and Synchronous instruction offerings this year. What you need to know right now is that you are NOT required to attend either, but they might be something your student would like to participate in.

Live Interaction and Synchronous Instruction are things that were put in place in response to AB130, a bill that was written to assist students in regular public schools due to COVID-19. It requires all public schools to provide an Independent Study option, and sets guidelines for that provision.

Synchronous Instruction

ALL VISIONS teachers will be providing online synchronous instruction as follows:

    • Grades TK-3: 30 minutes of instruction every day
    • Grades 4-8: 30 minutes of instruction once per week
    • Grades 9-12: 60 minutes of instruction once per week

My synchronous instruction schedule is:

    • Grades TK-3: Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 10:30
    • Grades 4-8: Wednesday from 10:30 to 11:00
    • Grades 9-12: Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30

Classes will be via Zoom and students will be required to log into the class using their Visions email account. For directions on how to do that, click here

If you are interested in having your student attend synchronous instruction during LP1, please email me so I can know who is coming and plan accordingly. I WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE ABOVE TIMES DURING LP1, but my plan is to survey all families to gauge attendance and subject matter interest so I can create meaningful lessons beginning in LP2. I will update with more information about class agendas (subject matter, plans, standards covered, etc.) once I have a chance to plan.  

Please let me know if you have questions or suggestions regarding synchronous instruction.

Daily Live Interaction

This is being provide by Teachers on Special Assignment. Click here for more information on the 4th-8th grade offerings.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP1 Agenda - What's New & Semester Plans

Monday 9/6
Labor Day - No School

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Josh & Jonah
1:00 - Rhys, Skyler & Piper

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Uriah
12:00 - Hunter
1:00 - Bella

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
12:00 - Jasmine, Roxie, Fiona & Edith

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

Monday, August 30, 2021

What's New This Year


The passing of Assembly Bill No. 130 forced many changes on Visions, very quickly. The bill was passed this July, and ALL California charter schools that offer "Independent Study" are required to be compliant on the first day of school. It was written in response to the COVID challenges faced by public school students, and it is not sensitive to our particular model, but we still have to comply.

Most of the changes will not impact you negatively. There are only two that you need to be aware of at the start of school.

  • Attendance: You must now log your attendance DAILY. You should have gotten a communication from Visions with more information about this. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
  • Religious Curriculum: If you are using religious curriculum, be careful not to use it for work samples or mention it on the semester plan. The only real change this year is that Visions is not allowed to take attendance for any work done in religious curriculum. If you are planning on using primarily religious curriculum for your student, we will work together to figure this out. 

Synchronous Instruction and Live Interaction opportunities.  
Your student IS NOT required to attend the Synchronous Instruction or Live Interaction opportunities.  

Synchronous Instruction

ALL VISIONS teachers will be providing online synchronous instruction as follows:

    • Grades TK-3: 30 minutes of instruction every day
    • Grades 4-8: 30 minutes of instruction once per week
    • Grades 9-12: 60 minutes of instruction once per week

My synchronous instruction schedule will be:

    • Grades TK-3: Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 10:30
    • Grades 4-8: Wednesday from 10:30 to 11:00
    • Grades 9-12: Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30

Classes will be via Zoom and students will be required to log into the class using their Visions email account. Directions on how to do that are here. If you are interested in having your student attend synchronous instruction during LP1, please email me so I can know who is coming and plan accordingly. Thank you!

Daily Live Interaction

This is being provide by Teachers on Special Assignment. Click here for more information on the 4th-8th grade offerings.

This Week's Meeting Schedule

LP1 Agenda - What's New & Semester Plans

Monday 8/30
9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Teacher Work Day

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
12:00 - Willow H.
1:00 - Jacob
2:00 - McKenna
3:00 - Billy & Ary

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 10:30 - 4-8 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Akira
1:00 - Tiffany, Madison & Logan

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
10:00 - 11:00 - 9-12 Synchronous Instruction
Student Meetings (Virtual)
11:00 - Wyatt
1:00 - Lucas & Elias
3:00 - Ella

9:30 - 10:00 - TK Synchronous Instruction
Office Day/Teacher Meetings

Monday, August 23, 2021

Ready, Set, Go!

Well, not quite yet, but the first official day of school is just around the corner on Tuesday, August 31.

It certainly has been a challenging start to the school year. I know many of you are affected by the Caldor Fire, either evacuated, on warning, dealing with the smoke, worried about friends and family, helping others, etc. I know I have not been on my game this week. 

There are A LOT of new things this year. Due to COVID and AB130, Visions is having to adhere to new legal requirements that are constantly changing, sometimes daily. 

What you need to know as of today:

Our LP1 meeting will be virtual please click here to schedule asap. More info about how meetings will be handled this year will coming soon. 

Semester Plans
I started sharing out Semester Plans yesterday. I'm hoping to have everyone's shared out by the end of the day today. Please feel free to start adding your curriculum and assignments, but please do not delete anything that is already in there, or add any rows until we can meet. Thank you!

Master Agreements
All MAs need to be resigned this year because there were new additions due to AB130.  MAs should be sent to you via email soon, if they haven't been already. Please sign and have your student(s) sign the new MA as soon as possible. 

The assessment piece is in place. All students will be taking an initial assessment in LP1. More information on that will be coming soon.

This assembly bill set requirements for all public schools to have an independent study option for the 2021/22 school year in response to COVID. It also set requirements for how independent study would be conducted. This placed additional requirements on our school. Especially for our teachers. 

Synchronous Instruction and Live Interaction
You will be seeing information come out about Synchronous Instruction and Live Interaction.
YOU DO NOT have to do anything about this. It is entirely optional for you - as long as your students are progressing well. However, all teachers are being required to provide synchronous instruction to students. 

We will be offering 
    • 30 minute daily Zoom sessions for grades TK-3
    • 30 minute weekly Zoom sessions for grades 4-8
    • 60 minute weekly Zoom sessions for 9-12
Again, this is NOT required for you, but it is for teachers. As you can imagine this will greatly impact teachers schedules.  
Religious Curriculum
All public charter schools are being increasingly monitored about how religious curriculum is being used. We have been really careful about it all along, so the changes aren't really that big for us. 
OF COURSE you can still use religious curriculum, we just can't
    • log it on our semester plans.
    • use it for work samples.
    • use student funds for it.
    • take attendance for using it.
I will work with you individually to find supplements to note on your semester plans if you are using primarily religious curriculum.

So what can you do right now to get ready for the school year?
  • Plan! Make sure you have everything ordered for the first semester and look over it so you are ready to fill out your semester plans.
  • Reach out with questions and concerns.
  • Schedule our LP1 meeting.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Final Week of School


It is officially here. The final week of school. The final blog post of the year.

Here are a few year end notes/reminders:

If we already had our LP10 meeting and your report cards, attendance and semester plans are finalized, you are ready for summer!

If we have our final meeting this week, please check the May 17th Getting Ready for LP10 post to make sure you are all set for our meeting.

For middle and high school students who are still working on bringing up grades or completing curriculum, don't forget to email me any extra work you want considered by 4:30 on Wednesday.  I will be checking Acellus grades and gradebooks in the semester plans on Thursday morning for those students that have requested it.

I will be available for questions, help, and order approval through until Monday, June 7th at 4:30, and will be back at work on Monday, August 16. The Visions office is open over the summer to continue to approve orders and answer questions.

Upcoming & Notable

Notable: Returnable curriculum items are now being accepted at the Carmichael office by appointment only. Here is the WIRE link for more info.

Important! - Due to the COVID-19 restrictions during the 20/21 school year, students that withdraw or graduate before June 30th will ONLY need to return technology items. Curriculum items DO NOT need to be returned for these students.

Last Day of School:
 Thursday, June 3
Year-end Book Returns (offsite locations): Thursday, June 3 - Wednesday, June 9 Locations and Dates TBD.
Early Ordering Ends: Wednesday, June 30
Last Day to Submit Community College or Parent Field Trip Reimbursements: Wednesday, June 30

Regular Ordering Begins for Curriculum and Supplies: Tuesday, July 6

eVoucher Ordering Begins for Fall Services (8/31 start date): Tuesday, August 10
First Day of School 2021/2022: Tuesday, August 31 (Teachers are returning Monday, August 16 and will contact families by Friday the 20th to help with curriculum ordering and schedule meetings.) 

Final Week of School Meeting Schedule

LP10 Agenda - Report Cards and Finalizing Semester Plans

Monday 5/31
Memorial Day - No school


12:00 - Uriah
1:00 - Jezreel
3:00 - Billy & Ary

1:00 - Hunter
2:00 - McKenna

11:00 - Elijah & Hazel
1:00 - Akira
2:00 - Jonah
4:00 - Jette

Teacher Work Day

Monday, May 24, 2021


Yep, that is 9 Days Left of School! Are you ready for summer?

If we have an LP10 meeting this week or next, please check last week's Getting Ready for LP10 post to prepare.

If we already had our LP10 meeting, I will be available until Friday, June 4th for questions and help. The Visions office will be open over the summer. See the Upcoming & Notable post for ordering dates and start up dates for next school year.

Upcoming & Notable

Notable: Returnable curriculum items are now being accepted at the Carmichael office by appointment only. Here is the WIRE link for more info.

Important! - Due to the COVID-19 restrictions during the 20/21 school year, students that withdraw or graduate before June 30th will ONLY need to return technology items. Curriculum items DO NOT need to be returned for these students.

Memorial Day, No School: Monday, May 31

Last Day of School:
 Thursday, June 3
Year-end Book Returns (offsite locations): Thursday, June 3 - Wednesday, June 9 Locations and Dates TBD.
Early Ordering Ends: Wednesday, June 30
Last Day to Submit Community College or Parent Field Trip Reimbursements: Wednesday, June 30

Regular Ordering Begins for Curriculum and Supplies: Tuesday, July 6

eVoucher Ordering Begins for Fall Services (8/31 start date): Tuesday, August 10
First Day of School 2021/2022: Tuesday, August 31 (Teachers are returning Monday, August 16 and will contact families by Friday the 20th to help with curriculum ordering and schedule meetings.) 

LP10 Meeting Schedule (Weeks 3 & 4 )

LP10 Agenda - Report Cards and Finalizing Semester Plans

Monday 5/24
Office Day
11:00 - Camryn

11:30 - Tiffany, Madison & Logan
2:00 - Jasmine, Roxie & Fiona

11:00 - Charlotte
1:30 - Savannah*
3:00 - Ella

11:00 - Jaxon, Sarah & Paul
2:00 - Savannah
3:30 - Jezreel

Office Day


Monday 5/31
Memorial Day - No school

12:00 - Uriah
3:00 - Billy & Ary

1:00 - Hunter
2:00 - McKenna

11:00 - Elijah & Hazel
1:00 - Akira
2:00 - Jonah
4:00 - Jette

Teacher Work Day

Monday, May 17, 2021

Getting Ready for LP10

13 Days left of school!
Can you believe it? We only have one meeting left for this school year. I don't know how this year went so fast, but summer is almost here and we have a lot to do at our LP10 meeting to wrap up the school year.

During our LP10 meeting we will be:

  • Sharing student work and progress
  • Solidifying/checking/editing your semester plans so they are ready to upload to Visions
  • Doing report cards together (entering grades and comments)
  • Updating PLP goals on the semester plan
  • Checking that Spring PE logs are complete
  • Checking that LP10 attendance is logged
  • Touching on curriculum orders and plans for next school year

Here is what to do to be ready:

  • Have your student(s) work ready to share (consider setting a timer for sharing work so we have plenty of time to go over the business stuff)
  • Check over your semester plans to make sure they are complete and accurate
  • Update the PLP tab in the semester plan
  • Complete the PE log through LP10
  • Have grades/progress ready    
  • Have report card comments ready (If you can email them to me, all the better. Then I can copy and paste rather than typing them in during our meeting.)
  • Log your LP10 attendance
  • Gather any questions you may have

That's it! Whew!

Here is a refresher on report card information...

Grades K-5:
Remember, there are no real "grades" for K-5. Report cards just track progress through the grade level standards - based on curriculum and standard completion.

3 = Proficient/At Grade Level Standard (Typical at the end of the year)
4 = Advanced/Exceeds Grade Level (For students who are working at least one grade level above)
2 = Approaching Grade Level Standard (Typical for end of 1st semester)
1 = Beginning/Not Yet Covered (For topics that are not being covered until 2nd semester) 

Plusses and minuses can be used when the numbers don't quite match progress. 
Most students will get 3s in most categories if they have completed their curriculum and mastered grade level standards.
  • Download (or just view) sample report cards below. Look over the categories and see if you have any questions. 
  • Decide if you would like to add optional effort grades and if so, have them ready.
  • Write up your overall comments and either email them to me or read them to me at our meeting/check out.
  • Have your progress grades ready. (If it is easier, just let me know which ones, if any, are NOT 3s.)
  • You don't need to fill out the LP10 progress tab on the semester plan. The report card will count for that.
Grades 6-12:
  • Check in on your student's grades and progress, keep close track between now and our LP10 meeting.
  • Write up your overall comments and optional effort grades to give to me at our LP10 meeting. 
  • Have your final grades updated in your Semester Plan for our LP10 meeting.
  • If your student needs more time to finish assignments or improve their grades, they have until Thursday, June 3rd to do so. We just need to keep in close contact so I don't miss anything when submitting report cards.
You can download/view samples here (they do say Fall, but the categories don't change so all relevant info is the same):
Sample Report Card Google Folder

If you have any questions, or need any help, please contact me.

LP10 Meeting Schedule

LP10 Agenda - Report Cards and Finalizing Semester Plans

Monday 5/17
Teacher Meetings

11:00 - Willow H.
1:00 - Jacob
2:00 - Wyatt

11:00 - Lucas & Elias
2:00 - Camryn

11:00 - Skyler
1:00 - Baruch & Ana

Office Day


Monday 5/24
Office Day

11:30 - Tiffany, Madison & Logan
2:00 - Jasmine, Roxie & Fiona

11:00 - Charlotte
1:30 - Savannah*
3:00 - Ella

11:00 - Jaxon, Sarah & Paul
2:00 - Savannah
3:30 - Jezreel

Office Day


Monday 5/31
Memorial Day - No school

12:00 - Uriah
3:00 - Billy & Ary

1:00 - Hunter
2:00 - McKenna

11:00 - Elijah & Hazel
1:00 - Akira
2:00 - Jonah
4:00 - Jette

Teacher Work Day