Monday, October 18, 2021

Assessments Reminder

All assessments are due by the end of LP2, that is this Friday, October 22. Please contact me if you are having any issues completing the assessments.


Thank you to all students who completed either the iReady or MAP assessments!


The results have been so fun to see. Overall, students are doing really well. And now we have some solid information about what to focus on this year for student growth and success. It has been a good thing.

If your student completed their assessment and you haven't gotten the assessment results, please email me and I will send them to you. 

At this time, I am not sure what Visions is planning for students that test below grade level. Last year we were told that all students that tested below grade level would need interventions (iReady curriculum or other). I will provide more information as to what this means after our next professional development on Monday the 25th.

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