Monday, May 11, 2020

Report Card Information

Report card information for our LP10 meeting/check out:

Grades K-5:
Remember, there are no real "grades" for K-5. Report cards just track progress through the grade level standards - based on curriculum and standard completion.

3 = Proficient/At Grade Level Standard, 4 = Advanced/Exceeds Grade Level, 2 = Approaching Grade Level Standard, and 1 = Beginning/Not Yet Covered. Plusses and minuses can be used when is student is almost there, or not quite there. Most students will get 3s in most categories.
  • Download (or just view) sample report cards below. Look over the categories and see if you have any questions. 
  • Decide if you would like to add optional effort grades and if so, have them ready.
  • Write up your overall comments and either email them to me or read them to me at our meeting/check out.
  • Have your progress grades ready. (If it is easier, just let me know which ones, if any, are NOT 3s.)
  • You don't need to fill out the LP10 progress tab on the semester plan. The report card will count for that.
Grades 6-12:
  • Check in on your student's grades and progress, keep close track between now and our LP10 meeting/check out.
  • Write up your overall comments and optional effort grades to give to me at our LP10 meeting/check out. 
  • Have your final grades updated in your Semester Plan for our LP10 meeting/check out.
You can download/view samples here:
These are 2017-18 samples, but the categories are the same.

TK/K Sample Report Card
1st Grade Sample Report Card
2nd Grade Sample Report Card
3rd Grade Sample Report Card
4th Grade Sample Report Card
5th Grade Sample Report Card
6th - 8th Grade Sample Report Card
9th - 12th Grade Sample Report Card

If you have any questions, or need any help, please contact me.

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