Monday, May 11, 2020

LP10 Check Out

***If you would rather schedule a regular meeting for LP10, please contact me asap so we can set that up. If we have already scheduled a regular meeting for LP10, you can disregard this post.***

It is time to schedule our LP10 check outs.

The link below will take you to a Google Doc where you can choose an appointment slot. Please double click in one of the boxes and type your name and your preferred check out preference (Zoom, phone call, text, or email).

Zoom & Phone
I will send you a Zoom invitation, if you choose Zoom as your preference, or call you at the appointed time if you choose to meet by phone call. 

Email & Text
If you choose to do your check out via email or text, please use the time slot as a deadline, and make sure we have confirmed everything by then. 

To be ready for check out or LP10 meeting, please:
  • Log your LP10 attendance
  • Check that your semester plan is accurate through the end of LP10
  • Fill in your PE log (or email/text it to me if you'd rather do it on paper)
  • Have report card grades, optional effort grades, and comments ready. (See the post below)
  • Have any questions ready
Thank you! And let me know if you have any questions.

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