Monday, October 31, 2011

Progress Grades

Learning Period (LP) 2 progress grades have been posted.
To see your Progress grade:
  • Log in to Launchpad
  • Click on the My Info link (I think this has changed. I can't see what the student sees so please let me know what it is now. I think it might be More Information.)
  • Click on My Progress Grades
  • Make sure to set the LP. You may have to change the number in the drop down box and click “Set LP”
Look in the progress grade column of your assignment summary
Don't worry about the assignments average and assignments complete columns. They only refer to work done and graded in launchpad. The progress grade column is accurate. 

Your Engrade grade may be different from your Progress grade as it may include work that has been done in the new LP.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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