Monday, May 3, 2021

Anti-Charter School Bill AB 1316

Assembly Bill 1316. What does it mean?

Who knows. It may not pass. There might be enough opposition to keep that from happening. But if it does, it is a concern for all of us. 


Here are several of the major provisions of AB 1316, as well as the potential impact to Visions:    

1. If Passed:  Effective July 1, 2022, Nonclassroom-based (NCB) charter schools will only be allowed to enroll/serve students within the county in which the school is authorized. 

What this means: 

  • Currently, NCB charter schools can serve students in the county they are authorized in and all contiguous counties.
  • Visions is authorized within Sacramento County by San Juan Unified School District.
  • Visions currently serves approximately 7,000 students in Sacramento County, as well as 8 contiguous counties.
  • Under AB 1316, Visions would be permitted to serve only those students that reside in Sacramento County.
  • Students and families currently residing in Amador, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Placer, San Joaquin, Solano, Sutter, and Yolo counties would no longer be permitted to attend  Visions, without an approved charter from an existing school district or County Office of Education.

2. If Passed:  Effective July 1, 2022, funding for non-classroom-based (NCB) charter schools will be based on the amount of in-person, classroom-based instruction provided to students .

What this means: 

  • Based on Visions’ current educational model, we would receive 30% less funding per student.
  • This reduction in revenue would likely result in the reduction of resources and services provided to students.
3. If Passed:  Effective July 1, 2022, vendor personnel that provide direct services to students must hold the Commission on Teacher Credentialing certificate, permit, or other document required for their assignment consistent with the requirements for teachers in a charter school. 

What this means: 

  • Students utilizing community partners and/or tutors may be limited to only those that hold appropriate CTC-issued credentials. 

Visions administration has stated that it will continue working closely to respond to these legislative challenges while honoring their commitment to preparing each student to succeed in a rapidly changing world.  And they will continue to provide updates in the weeks ahead. 


If you would like to voice your opinion about AB1316 directly to the governor, here is the link to do so.

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