Monday, January 25, 2021

Semester 2 Work Samples - Reminder

I will be collecting Semester 2 samples at our LP6 Meeting. Here is the K-8 Spring Work Sample Packets Google Folder.

Important things to remember when compiling work samples:

  • Please provide one written sample from each subject. (Don't forget PE and Electives!)
  • Samples cannot be from a religious publisher. (i.e. handouts, worksheets with the publisher’s name on them). Handwritten work on blank or lined paper that is from religious curriculum, but is not addressing religious themes, is fine.
  • Samples should be a representation of your student's best work. They should be proud of what they submit.
  • Samples cannot be a test or multiple choice, they must show student work. (Except for some instances in TK, samples where student just matches, underlines, or circles items are not sufficient, there must be some written work on the page.)
  • Please grade and/or comment on each sample in a different color than your student worked.
  • Please make sure that the samples match your LP6 assignments and standard drop downs on your semester plan. You can make your best guess about the standard. I will help you when I collect the samples.
  • Please don't put dates or LP#s on work samples.
  • Please try to leave the upper right hand corner blank when possible. (The school attaches a label in that area.)

Thank you!
Please don't hesitate to call, text, or email with questions about work samples.

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