Monday, October 19, 2020

Household Income Data - Did you fill out your form?

Action Required: Submit Household Income Data by Oct. 23!

Note: If you completed your application after July 1, 2020, or you have already completed this form this year, you do not need to complete it again.

If you are a returning student or if you enrolled before July 1, we need your help!

The State of California requires all schools to collect Household Income Data from families each year. Visions uses this information to qualify for funding that is used for tutoring, field trips, bus passes, support for foster children, low income families, teen moms, families in transition, and more. This funding is very significant to our school. By submitting the electronic form, you ensure that Visions continues to provide the following resources and benefits:

Student budgets




Teacher support

Field trips, field days and other academic enrichment activities

College course reimbursements

To qualify for this funding, Visions needs to receive a completed electronic form by a parent/guardian for each student. Please know that this data is kept confidential and is only used to report data to the State for school funding purposes. We know that you want every resource possible available for your child’s education.

Please review the instructions by clicking the link below and complete the necessary steps by October 23rd, so that we can meet the State’s deadline of October 31st. You will also receive an email with this information.

Access the Household Income Collection Process HERE

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