Monday, March 16, 2020

School Closure

Well. This is definitely an unusual time. I understand that an email went out to families on Friday with information about the school closure. It wasn't sent to me (CTs got a different email), so I don't know what it said, but I am getting quite a few questions about it. I'll try to clarify as best I can here.

Here is what I know...
  • The school is "closing" effective today through April 12.
  • Students and teachers will continue to work, unless they are unable to do so. Governor Newsom's executive order states "School districts must continue delivering high-quality educational opportunities to students through other options, distance learning and independent study."
  • This closure cancels ALL Visions' sponsored activities, events, group meetings, and face to face meetings during that time frame.
  • Our scheduled meetings will be held virtually.
  • Visions' main office will be closed to the public, however, staff will be working remotely.
This closure does not effect us the way it does a site based school as we can "attend" school around it. We are already uniquely set up for that. Our students don't have to miss any attendance days, which means we don't have to worry about the possibility of extending the school year in order to make up days like site based schools might.

Please let me know if you have questions. I'll answer the best I can.

Here is the link to the most recent WIRE post.

There is a Corona Virus Update and Information page on the Wire with some information and links to the CDC, California Department of Health, and county health departments.

Stay well.

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