Monday, March 9, 2020


I'm sure we all have concerns about the Novel Corona virus and how it could impact Visions' school activities and requirements. I know I do. It is such an evolving situation and things seem to change daily. What I can tell you is that Visions is making plans and monitoring the situation closely.

There is a Corona Virus Update and Information page on the Wire with some information and links to the CDC, California Department of Health, and county health departments.

In addition, I have been told...

  • If teachers are unable to support a family face-to-face, they will work with their administrator to determine if a virtual meeting is possible.
  • Visions will cancel events and classes that convene people if recommended and/or there is an identified an outbreak within a Visions’ community.
  • Visions is monitoring the Covid-19 impact County by County and will take action based on the activity within the county.
  • If there is a recommendation by the county’s local health agency Visions will follow it.

This week, all of our meetings are virtual so we have time to watch and see. I haven't heard any news about the Curriculum Fair/Picture Day scheduled for next week. If I do, I will share it immediately.

Stay well.

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