Monday, May 20, 2019

End of Year Report Cards and Grades

I will be collecting report card progress (K-5) and grades (6-12) at our LP10 meeting.

If you are using our field trip as the LP10 meeting, please make sure to respond to the email I sent out about how you would like to handle your final report cards and grades.

Here is how to prepare for end of year report cards:

Grades K-5:
Remember, there are no real "grades" for K-5. Report cards just track progress through the grade level standards. In general: most students will be earning 3s for most categories, meaning that the grade level standard has been mastered. A student working a full grade level above will earn 4s, categories still in progress will earn a 2, 2+ or 3-.
  • Download (or just view) sample report cards below. Look over the categories and see if you have any questions. Have your progress grades ready to give me at our LP10 meeting
  • Decide if you would like to add optional effort grades and if so, have them ready to give me at our LP10 meeting.
  • Write up your overall comments to read to me at our LP10 meeting. You can also email them to me if it is easier.
  • You do not need to fill out the LP10 progress tab on the semester plan. The report card will count for that.

Grades 6-12:
  • Have your final grades updated in your Semester Plan for our LP10 meeting. 
  • Write up your overall comments and optional effort grades to give to me at our LP10 meeting. 

You can download/view sample report cards here. Yes, the samples say "Fall" but the categories will be the same and the final report card will be correct.

If you have any questions, or need any help, please contact me.

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