Tuesday, January 16, 2018

More Changes

Previously, I was required to create a semester plan with you AND then copy that information into Launchpad (now Pathways).

This year, Visions administration has decided to allow CTs to share (with their admin) and upload (to Pathways) the semester plans instead of duplicating that work.

What this means...
Starting LP6 (spring semester), your semester plan will be an "official" school document that is shared with your Visions administrator and logged on School Pathways.

How this changes things...(for most people, not much at all)

  • Semester Plan titles will include "Semester Plan & AWR" (I added that already)
  • Semester plans will need to be updated regularly, and at the end of each LP they should accurately reflect the work completed that LP (already being done :)
  • Grades and progress will need to be updated each LP (already being done :)
  • For those using religious texts and materials, we will no longer be able to use the titles of those materials on the semester plan. (Example:"Bob Jones English 4" becomes "English 4")
  • Students working above or below grade level will need to have "grade level" standards on the semester plan. (I was putting the standard of the grade level students were working at, but now I won't be able to. I'll be changing this over the next few weeks.)
Please let me know if you have any questions about this change. Thanks!

And remember, you can always make a copy of your semester plan for your own use if you like.

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