Monday, October 16, 2017

LP3 Virtual Meetings - Reminder

This year Visions has allowed all CTs to hold two meetings, per semester, virtually. In order to ease any nervousness about this process and iron out some inevitable issues, I have decided to hold all LP3 meetings virtually. This way we get to try out the process early in the year and get a feel for how it will work for us.

At this point, I'm thinking we will hold the meetings using Google Hangouts. Although if FaceTime or Skype, or even another service seems better, we may change over.

What to expect:
  • We will plan to hold your LP3 meeting at the regularly scheduled time (unless it is inconvenient and you would like to change. Just let me know! It is much easier to reschedule virtual meetings than face-to-face meetings.)
  • You will need access to a computer or tablet, with a camera and audio capabilities, that is connected to the internet. Although you could use a smart phone if it is the only option you have.
  • You will receive an invitation to a Google Hangout via email. All you should need to do is follow the link and the instructions provided. (Hopefully!) If you have never attended a Google Hangout before, you may need to download the app.
  • You can expect your invitation email no later than the evening before our scheduled meeting date. Let me know if you would like it further in advance so you can practice accessing the room.
Tentative plan for the virtual meetings:
  • Let's try to use the first 20 to 30 minutes for parent/guardian connecting, navigating and troubleshooting as well as other school business (attendance, semester plans, questions, work samples, etc.)
  • Let's try to have the rest of the meeting for student show and tell. They show work and talk about what they have been doing. 
  • Have your phone ready in case we need to troubleshoot.
I'm open to all questions and comments. This process is usually simple and fun, but we may need to have some patience in the beginning :)

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