Monday, December 5, 2016


At our recent CT small group meeting, math, and how to help teach math was the main topic. The presentation sparked a super involved discussion with people offering up some great ideas. Below are some resources that were shared with us.

The Mind Institute...Why Is Math So Important?  A great article with no specific reference to Common Core...more of a focus on learning and thinking!

US News Opinion Article - training Parents to think about math in new and different ways (speaking to common core standards)

Washington Post: Pros/Cons of Common Core Math

The following articles are all taken from  It’s Jo Boaler’s website/organization.  She is a math professor at Stanford University and much of Friday’s presentation was based on her research and strategies.

Multidimensional Math (including a link to a TedTalk that is really interesting, and longish)

Mindset and Math - Again from Jo Boaler (

Parents and Math

NY Times Opinion Piece by a UC Berkeley Professor:  Psych-based...talks about mindset among other things.

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