Monday, October 24, 2016

Voucher Ordering Reminders

From the Wire...

In order to get your voucher orders processed as quickly as possible, please remember the following:

  • Enter your voucher order into Launchpad at least 5 business days prior to the start of the services. This will allow sufficient time for your CT to review and approve them, as well as give the Resource Center staff time to process the vouchers prior to the start of services. No services that are being paid with Visions funds can be provided prior to the voucher being in the vendor’s hands.
  • Vouchers submitted less than 5 business days prior to the start of services may not be able to be processed in time and therefore charges for services will have to be paid for by parents out of their own pocket, rather than utilizing your student’s Visions funds.
  • Budget transfers are a great way to move funds between sibling accounts, so that you can have additional funds for vouchers. Families can start submitting budget transfers now to make funds available. Budget transfers will be processed in the month of November.
Also, remember that you may use 50% of your funds (after ordering your curriculum) for vouchers this semester. You will need to save 50% of your funds for next semester.

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