Monday, April 25, 2016

Enrollment Updates: Lottery, Siblings, Transfers, Children of Employees

From the WIRE...

Due to the interest in our program, Visions in Education will be implementing a lottery for enrollment.  It is outlined here for you as a way to keep you informed and, to the degree that our families may have questions, so that you can respond to them.

Each year we monitor our enrollment by county and academy to ensure we can accommodate students seeking enrollment at Visions.  This year it is apparent that in some counties interest will now exceed our available space (capacity).  In our Charter we state that when our application pool exceeds capacity we will conduct a public random drawing (lottery).

Continuing students and students that have been enrolled are not subject to the lottery. The completed applications (ensuring there has been submission of all supporting documents) are randomly sorted by the computerized Enrollment lottery and are not based on a first-come first-serve basis, so that when we enroll students they are in randomly-selected-order and not based upon when applications were completed.   If there is more than one student applicant in a household and one student is randomly selected, then the remaining applicants in that household fill the next openings. Following the deadline to submit applications on May 6, 2016, families will be informed of their acceptance into the requested program and school. Those who do not receive a placement through the lottery will be placed on a waiting list. Families will be informed of their number on the waiting list via phone or email by June 2016. All eligible applications following our enrollment deadline date of May 6, 2016 will be accepted or placed on a waiting list based on county and a first-come first-serve process...

Read the rest of the article on the WIRE post:

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