Monday, September 15, 2014

Work Samples Simplified

I think I may have made the idea of gathering work samples much more complicated than it needs to be. Sorry for that.

The basics of work samples:
I will collect work samples at each meeting.
That means only once per LP :)

Work samples should consist of:
  • 1 paper sample per subject, per student
    • On 8 1/2 by 11 standard size paper, should be consistent with what is noted in your semester plan.
  • 1 discussion, demonstration or display sample per subject, per student
    • Can be demonstrating a  karate move, playing a song, showing me a model or a project, sharing pictures of a field trip, showing me your progress on a computer program, reciting a poem, summarizing a story, reading to me, showing me how to do a math problem, etc.
Please let me know if you have any questions about work samples or are having any anxiety around them. Thanks!

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