Monday, September 22, 2014

Visions Families,

We will be having our first FAME meeting on Wednesday, September 24, starting at 10:00.  FAME (Fine Arts Multi-Experience) focuses on the works and lives of significant artists and composers.  Each lesson is an opportunity to introduce your child to the contributions of these people.  We will be looking at a large size copy of a famous work and listening to the music of a famous composer.  The arts add so much to our lives, and your children will grown in appreciation of great works.  Following the lesson, we will have individual art projects.

This meeting will be particularly fun because it will be followed by a birthday/retirement celebration for fellow CT Nonnie Muehlenhaupt.  Nonnie has added so much to our FAME lessons over the last 5 years, and will be greatly missed.  I'm hoping that many of you will be able to come and celebrate with us. We will have a free hot dog lunch with refreshments and cake for dessert.

FAME lessons are free. While FAME focuses on K-8, we have had high schoolers come and participate or help, and they are truly appreciated!

Hope to see you there!
Traci Muldery

Link to FAME flyer

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