Monday, April 1, 2013

Deficiency Notices

Next week, the Visions office will be sending out "deficiency notices" to all students that have at least one grade that is a D or lower for the 7th Learning Period progress grades.

Will I get one?
To find out if your grades will trigger a deficiency notice to be sent out, go to Launchpad and check your LP7 progress grade. If you have a D or F, you will be receiving a deficiency notice in the mail.

Engrade says I have a B now, will I still get one?
Yes. The school sends out a notice based on your LP7 progress grade. However, your Engrade grade IS YOUR CURRENT GRADE. You may have improved your grade by the time your deficiency notice arrives at your home.

What should I do if I get one?
Getting a deficiency notice should not be a surprise to your or your parents since we go over your grades each week, and you have access to Engrade at all times. We should already have a plan in progress to improve your grades, however please contact me right away if:
  • your are a student and you receive a deficiency notice, and we haven't discussed a plan for improving your grades
  • you are a parent or guardian and you receive a deficiency notice, and you were unaware of your students' progress
Next steps
If your grades have been steadily declining or you are not making adequate progress, I will schedule a Team Planning Meeting. This meeting usually includes an administrator, a counselor, your parents/guardians and myself. At this meeting we discuss how you are doing, if Visions is the best place for you, and make a plan for your success.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

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