Monday, October 22, 2012

ALEKS Math breaks after Mac update – how to fix

Posted on the CT Blog by: Tony Cervo

Apple released an update to Mac OS X on Wednesday that removes the Java plugin from all Mac-compatible web browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) That means the next time you try to access ALEKS, you’ll see an error message that says “Missing Plug-in”.
missing plug-in screenshotLuckily, the fix is easy. Simply click the little down-arrow icon next to the warning message, then wait a minute while the Java plugin is re-installed. ALEKS should then start working again.
If you’re wondering why Apple decided to make this move, here’s an excellent article that goes into all the details. The short answer, though, is security. From the article:
Over the past five years or so, Java has emerged as one of the most widely exploited software packages. This is due to its wide availability on computers running Windows, OS X, and Linux and because of the ease hackers have in exploiting vulnerabilities.

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