Monday, September 12, 2011

Getting Warmed Up

Sometimes it is hard to get back in the habit of proofing your work, answering in complete sentences, and reading the examples and instructions in the books and online.

If you have been earning less points than you would like on your assignments, now is the time to figure out why and fix it! Creating good habits now will make the year a smooth and successful one.

Here is how:

  • Look over the assignment(s) that you aren't happy with.
  • Reread the instructions and examples.
  • Redo the assignment, being careful to follow the instructions carefully and proofread your work.
  • Email me your corrections. Be careful to include the subject, the assignment #, the section title, and the problem #.

If you don't know why you received a grade lower than you expected, email me and we can discuss it!

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